CAD/CAM Technology

Computer aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) significantly reduces the number of visits a patient has to make to their dentist in order to obtain brilliant brand-new teeth.

What İs CAD/CAM Technology?

As with other area of life, technological advances and innovations continue to bring greater ease to dentistry. Computer aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) significantly reduces the number of visits a patient has to make to their dentist in order to obtain brilliant brand-new teeth and reduce plaque build up.

Once the teeth have been prepared for restoration, a digital scanner is used to map your teeth which is then loaded onto a computer that accurately manufactures the laminates and crowns (including those made from porcelain) etc. needed in half an hour.

Given the degree of precision CAD/CAM offers, gaps between teeth can be effectively and highly aesthetically treated in a single session.

Treatment Summary







Discomfort period


Return to work

0-3 days

Full Recovery




Hospital Stay


Before and After

20 24 (1)

Dental Aesthetics

25 26

Dental Aesthetics

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