What is DHI Plus Gold Hair Transplantation?

Combined plastic surgery is the whole process of performing two operations in one operation, which the surgeon deems appropriate depending on the expectations of the person.

Hair Transplant In Turkey

This is a procedure to give excessively large or sagging breasts a more pleasant appearance by making them smaller.

FUE Hair Transplantation

Estethica Medical Group Turkey aims the 'healthy beauty' in boob job and delivers the aesthetic beauty you dream for the best prices.

Painless Unshaven Hair Transplant

Estethica, as well as making people achieve the beauty they dream of in rhinoplasty, aims to meet the expectations of every segment in nose job costs.

Beard, Mustache and Eyebrow Transplants

A beard-mustache-eyebrow transplant is a solution for lack of growth, scars, burns or thinning where follicles are taken one by one from areas of sufficient hair.

Percutaneous Hair Transplant

This is a method where hair follicles are transplanted into channels made with fine needles rather than into slits. The correct angle and density per cm² help in getting a natural look.

Hair Transplant for Women

Hair loss, which is the result of dozens of reasons, is a health problem women commonly face, many of whom turn to every kind of cosmetic product to stop hair loss.

Hair Mesotherapy

Hair mesotherapy is one of the most known and performed hair-related treatments in clinics.

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