Spring Threads

Recover the youth of the face with the most advanced technologies and the best price in Turkey.

What is Spring Threads?

Threads are often used in non-surgical face lift treatments and over time the variety and number of these threads have developed. The expectation of these developments has been to obtain results that are as close and as long lasting as possible to those obtainable with surgery. This expectation is met at estethica using the suture suspension thread lift for light – medium levels of sagging.

The most important features that differentiate spring threads from other threads method are:

  • The threads used are permanent and as a result stay in place for up to 46 year. Because flexible threads are used, there is no risk of them breaking or changing a person’s gestures. The threads hold the face in a strong yet kind way.
  • The suture suspension method doesn’t need to be performed in an operating theatre, and lasts for approximately 30 minutes. Thanks to the use of local anaesthetic it is a comfortable procedure for the patient while special elastic needles integrated in the threads reduce the possibility of damage being caused to the skin to a level low enough to be described as nonexistent.
  • Patients who choose to have this procedure can return to their normal lives a few days after it is performed. Some swelling and a few needle entry sites will be visible. These signs will reduce within a week and generally it is not noticeable that a procedure has been carried out. Tension may be felt where the threads are during sudden movements and jaw movements. These generally disappear from the 2nd week after the operation.

Treatment Summary



Operation Length

0-1 Hour



Discomfort period

1-3 days

Return to work

1-3 days

Full Recovery

7 days


5-8 years

Hospital Stay


WARNING: Everyone is unique.That means that the treatment length, planning and results may be differ The information you see here are the resulting average from a large range of samples..

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