What is the difference between Slim Lipo and Classic Laser Lipolysis? This technique uses two laser wavelengths to dissolve fat. The first wavelength is for localised thinning and the second wavelength stimulates skin cells into producing collagen and elastin and ensures tautening and tightening up the skin, creating an important difference. Compared with the Classic Laser Lipolysis procedure, patient satisfaction is much higher with Slim Lipo which becomes more preferred due to some advantages such as:
Collagen and elastin are important for skin tautness, so lower levels of collagen and elastin under the skin can cause a loose and saggy skin. The wavelength used in Classic Laser Lipolysis is not effective for production of collagen. So, after this procedure, removed fat cells can produce a loose, saggy, cavatised and wavy appearance which also can be seen in people who have lost weight via exercise and diet. In Slim Lipo in Turkey, we use two wavelengths that cause the production of new collagen and elastin fibres to ensure the skin’s elasticity, improve tissue quality and localised tightening while creating a smooth appearance.
First, you should consult a good clinic to decide the most appropriate method to meet your conditions and expectations. Slim Lipo in Istanbul is suitable for both males and females as the best solution for:
Slim Lipo has a high degree of effectiveness to ensure the pleasing results in removing unwanted areas of fat tissue that found in any part of your body such as:
Slim Lipo in Turkey is a better choice as it needs less downtime with less bruising and swelling after the procedure, ensures the quickest recovery and allows you to return to normal life within a few days! Patients can return to work and their normal activities immediately within few days. Patients must wear tight compression bandaging and the corset provided by the doctor to help reduce swelling, support the treated areas and promote healing. If there is any pain after the procedure, Patients can take a painkiller that is necessary for the first night and they can return to their normal lives after a few days. Slim Lipo in Turkey, Istanbul is your best choice if you don’t like taking risks and want to get perfect, permanent results! Choose estethica in Turkey, Istanbul for localised thinning and tightening. The procedure is only available in very few pre-eminent clinics in Turkey.
1-3 hours
4-7 Days
2-5 Days
3-6 Months
Maintenance required
1 Day
WARNING: Everyone is unique.That means that the treatment length, planning and results may be differ The information you see here are the resulting average from a large range of samples..
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