Teeth Veneers

While estethica improves the dental health of the person with the dental coating types it applies, it also allows you to show your beauty with tooth coating prices.

What Is Composite Veneers?

Composite veneers, also known as resin filling, is a dental repair method that provides healthy eating and chewing processes by eliminating cracks, fractures, decay or wear on the teeth. Composite veneers are preferred in order to protect the tooth roots from possible damage due to color differences in the teeth, tooth cavities requiring filling, making the teeth longer, shaping the teeth and receding the gums. In the composite veneers process, first of all, the decays in the teeth are cleaned. The teeth are cleaned and made ready for veneer. The tooth is rehearsed so that the original structure of the teeth is not disturbed, and the mold of the teeth is removed. Composite bonding, which are made ready after all the rehearsals, are adhered to the tooth. Thus, healthy-looking aesthetic teeth are obtained.

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In order to perform the Teeth Veneers procedure, X-rays are taken if deemed necessary after the doctor's control. Problems are detected in all teeth. You must have a clean mouth and clean teeth in order to be veneered. The mouth and teeth are cleaned of all dirt and made suitable for teeth veneers after necessary interventions such as tartar removal. Completing the coating process consists of several steps:

  • First of all, it is decided which of the coating types will be made.
  • Then, in order to mold the teeth, an impression is taken and the mold is prepared.
  • Temporary composite is adhered to the teeth until the permanent molds are composite bonding. Whether the measure taken is suitable for the person’s mouth structure is understood by these temporary molds before the composite bonding.
  • After a short time, the molds are removed and the permanent composite bonding is adhered.
  • Thus, an appearance that supports smile aesthetics is obtained by eliminating the unhealthy appearance of the teeth.

What Are The Type Of Teeth Veneers?

While making dental veneers, it is important to choose the type of veneer that the person needs and can use easily. With the development of technology, more than one type of coating has been developed that is suitable for the mouth and tooth structure of the people. In this way, both chewing disorders are eliminated and the person spends quality time in a comfortable and healthy way. The generally preferred dental veneers that contribute to the vital functions of the person are as follows;

  • Zirconium Veneers
  • Emax Veneers
  • Laminate Veneers

Zirconium Veneers

Zirconium, also known as veneer or crown, is a natural and ceramic dental coating process that does not cause problems such as cracking, breaking, falling, has a strong resistance, and looks just like teeth. While it is generally used to support the smile design in the anterior teeth, it also increases the resistance and dental health when used in the posterior teeth. The translucent zirconium coating, which is resistant to oxidation, has a structure that can be easily shaped and turned into a white color. Although it is not contained in a metal substance, its sensitivity to sensations such as hot and cold does not occur. It is a durable coating that is resistant to external sensations.

Emax Veneers

Emax veneers, which is the building block of many aesthetic dental materials such as full crown, laminate veneer and endocrine, is a natural tooth coating material used to eliminate symmetry disorders in teeth, dental problems such as fractures and cracks. While it is generally preferred in the anterior teeth to create aesthetic teeth, it is also used as a bridge in the posterior teeth and takes the place of decaying teeth in a healthy way thanks to its resistance. Emax veneers have the reflection feature of natural teeth as they are light permeable. It is one of the preferred types of dental veneers that penetrate into the tooth structure, deeply stained teeth, repair of crooked teeth, repair of gapped teeth, teeth with increased sensitivity after root canal treatment, and in general aesthetic restoration of teeth.

Laminate Veneers

Laminate veneers, also known as 'leaf teeth', are generally called porcelain and thin-structured veneers that are used on the surface of the front teeth, remove deformities, lose their color, and whiten yellowing teeth, highlighting healthy aesthetics. It supports the removal of broken and rotten teeth and the formation of healthier teeth instead of abrasions. In addition, it provides small orthodontic interventions that do not have serious problems and creates an aesthetic smile by eliminating symmetry disorders.

What Is The Difference Between Crowns And Teeth Veneers?

Although crown veneers are generally preferred, one of the processes that have increased in popularity recently and come to the fore when designing a smile is dental veneers. Crowns and veneers have common points such as correcting short and broken teeth, removing deformities, color changes and abrasions. However, there are some points that separate the two. While crowns cover the entire tooth structure, veneers touch the surface structure by avoiding an intense intervention on the natural tooth. Crown material coatings have a thickness of close to 2 millimeters. However, the coatings have a maximum thickness of 1 millimeter. While crowns are generally used to make them stronger by intervening broken teeth in the back teeth; veneers are generally preferred for aesthetic purposes on anterior teeth. While natural teeth need to be filed more for crown veneers, the teeth for other tooth veneers are less filed. While crowns are preferred for the repair of decayed and damaged teeth; veneers are applied to give the discolored teeth a healthy appearance. In all cases, between crowns and teeth veneers, the doctor decides which one should be used for dental interventions.

How Long Do Veneers Last?

Tooth coating procedures are usually completed in 3 sessions if there are no problems. Depending on the teeth involved and the patient himself, sometimes the procedures are accelerated and completed in 2 sessions.

How Long Do Composite Veneers Last?

After the completion of the veneers and composite veneers made to protect the dental health of the person, the service life generally reaches up to 15 years. However, there are some situations that should be noted here. Treating the teeth harshly, causing deterioration of the structure of the teeth with nuts such as peanuts shortens the life of composite veneers last to 5 years. For this, attention should be paid to the foods that are eaten and permanent damage should be prevented.

How Is It Veneers Before and After Coatings?

Looking veneers before and after, long-lasting and healthy teeth with superior performance are obtained beyond expectations. When viewed in this direction, it is seen that fractures and deformities in teeth veneers before gain a symmetrical appearance veneers after. Another point that draws attention veneers before and after is that unhealthy and yellowing teeth are replaced by healthy-looking, white-looking teeth. In addition, it is seen that the problems that occur during eating and drinking are eliminated and time is spent drinking quality food.

How To Writen Veneers?

In order to preserve the life of porcelain veneers, zirconium veneers and veneers in general and not lose their whiteness as on the first day, some processes should be done. In order to whiten veneers teeth, the routine of daily brushing and flossing comes to the fore. In the first place, in case of this process, both natural teeth are protected and dental veneers are protected. Attention should be paid to the toothpaste used in order to protect the surfaces of the veneers from damage, and toothpastes that do not scratch and lose their color should be preferred. Avoid applying excessive pressure to the teeth while brushing. Avoid hard foods and acidic beverages that will damage teeth veneers. Thus, the whiteness of the teeth is preserved and it supports their health.

How To Clean Veneers?

To protect the health of natural teeth, regular brushing is done and dental floss is recommended. In natural teeth, many different techniques such as gel are recommended for teeth whitening. In order to maintain the health of the veneers, attention should be paid to regular daily brushing, flossing and the use of tooth cleaning water. Thus, the cleaning of the dental veneer prolongs the life of the veneers and prevents yellowing.

What Do They Do Veneers Look Like?

The appearance of the teeth changes according to the properties of the coating materials used. However, materials that are suitable for the tooth structure and provide a natural appearance are generally preferred. After the veneer process is done in Veneers in Turkey Istanbul, it has a white, symmetrical, healthy and natural appearance that looks like core teeth.

What Age Can You Get Veneers?

In order to have dental veneers in Turkey Istanbul, the person must be an adult who is at least 18 years old. Since the type of dental veneer to be made is decided by taking into account the problems in the tooth, it is applied if deemed appropriate by the doctor. If you are over the age of 18 but need orthodontic treatment, veneer is applied after orthodontic treatments. It is seen that it is preferred over 30 years of age, as coatings are needed more as the age progresses.

How Much Teeth Prepared For Veneers?

The number of teeth to be prepared in the dental veneer is determined in line with the needs of the person. Sometimes it is applied to all teeth, and sometimes it is applied to one or two teeth. The doctor decides how many teeth need veneers and need to be prepared.

Where To Get Veneers In Turkey Istanbul?

When veneers in Turkey Istanbul is mentioned, health centers that give importance to the health, wishes and aesthetic smile design studies of the person before and after dental veneers should be preferred. Dental veneers Turkey Istsnbul continues to make radical changes in the person and ensure that they always have healthy aesthetic smiles in estethica Ataşehir and Levent branches in Istanbul.

What Is Porcelain Tooth Veneer Prices?

When porcelain dental veneer prices is mentioned, estethica Health Group, which is the first to buy, keeps the prices for dental veneers in Turkey cheaper than other countries in the procedures to be performed after the doctor's control.

What Is Teeth Veneers?

Teeth veneers is the application of covering the front surface of the teeth with different veneer materials in line with the needs of the person. Since the history of mankind has existed, it has faced many problems biologically, physiologically and mentally. According to the period, it was tried to go deep into each field and create solutions to all the problems of individuals. In today's age, teeth veneers, porcelain veneers, emax veneers, composite veneers filling types and many smile aesthetic applications are performed. By today's age teeth veneers, porcelain veneers, emax veneers, composite veneers types of fillings and many smile aesthetics applications are performed in dental health. In the light of technological developments rather than traditional applications, it provides painless treatment of many procedures about dental health and teeth veneers.

Why Are Veneers Cheaper In Turkey?

Dental veneers are among the most preferred countries because they are cheap in Turkey. As in all areas of Estethica Turkey, dental health, composite bonding and dental veneers are performed at cheaper prices and high quality standards compared to other countries. When we look at the economic activities of Turkey, the fact that the dollar is rising due to an increase makes the prices of teeth veneers cheaper in Turkey.

How Much Are Veneers Cost Turkey?

Estethica, which continues on its way by adopting world standards as a principle, keeps the veneers cost coating prices at the lowest level in Turkey so that everyone can benefit. Veneers Cost Turkey works to increase the quality of life by adding a positive value to the rights and life of the person. Therefore, when the veneer cost are considered based on Turkey, it aims to always be with the person on the way to happiness by keeping the prices low. To get more information about teeth veneer cost in Turkey, you can contact +905497249002 or Whatsapp.

Treatment Summary


2-3 sessions

Operation Length

30-90 min./10 teeth


Local anesthesia/sedation

Discomfort period

1 days

Back to Work

The same day

Full Recovery

Should Be Checked



Hospital Stay


WARNING: Everyone is unique.That means that the treatment length, planning and results may be differ The information you see here are the resulting average from a large range of samples..

You can contact us for more detailed information

Before and After

19 19


23 23


47 48



Paul E.

Teeth Veneers

I performed my zirconium veneer treatments at the Estetica Hospital Dental Department. I would like to thank my doctor and the staff who helped me for their interest.

Kevin I.

Teeth Veneers

I think, I have found the right place to solve my dental problems that I have postponed and feared for a long time. Thanks to the friendly doctors and staff, I didn't come back through thedoor this time. A troublesome operation was performed under anesthesia and his treatment continues. Everything is going very well at this stage. Thank you everyone for the patience andattention shown to me.

Daisy Y.

Teeth Veneers

I had my front two teeth done with zirconium. So pleased to meet you. I would like to thank the prosthesis and dental department staff for their interest.

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